Hello, I’m trying to simulate life as a Policy, and each timestep, several Events are generated and the Policy should choose between them.
The thing is from the tutorials, I don’t see a place to plug in Event generation before the timesteps are run. Is this not supported at all? Currently I just have a global variable that’s being read each iteration - it works, but I’m sure there is a better way.
events = generate_Events()
events_taken = []
def life_policy(params, step, sL, s):
def choose_event(events, s):
for i, e in enumerate(events):
# General Rules
if e.Health <= 20: # If it damages my health too much, it's not worth it
if e.Time == 10: # If an event takes too much time until payoff, avoid it.
if e.Money <= -30: # Why do something that hurts my finances? The whole point is to make money
if s['Health'] + e.Health <= 0: # If it will kill me, don't do it
if s['Money'] + e.Money <= 0: # If it will bankrupt me immediately, don't do it
return e
# If I'm busy taking on an Event, don't take on more Events.
# As time goes on, I get my energy back, and living costs are spent.
if s['Time'] > 0:
return({'add_to_Health': randint(1,10), 'add_to_Time': -1, 'add_to_Money': -1000})
e = choose_event(events, s)
# Once a Life Event has been chosen, log it, and remove it from the pool of Events.
return({'add_to_Health': e.Health, 'add_to_Time': e.Time, 'add_to_Money': e.Money})